Friday, February 26, 2010

Abestos: Did you mean asbestos?

Asbestos (commonly misspelled or mistyped "abestos") is a naturally occurring mineral substance. There are different uses and types of asbestos; most often it is used to strengthen substances. When airborne, it can cause serious harm to people who ingest of breath it in, resulting in asbestosis, or a scaring of the lung tissue, or mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the lungs or abdomen.

Other common misspellings of asbestos besides abestos are asbetos, azbestos, asbostose, asbestose, asbeztos, and azbetos.

* Types of Asbestos
* Asbestos Exposure
* Common Asbestos-Containing Products
* Who is at Risk for Asbestos Exposure and Disease
* How to Deal with Asbestos
* Asbestos' Effects on Health
* Abestos: Did you mean asbestos?


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